Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I cannot believe how fast time flies! Has it really been a few weeks since I last posted?!  Well, I DO have but a fabulous excuse {for a week, at least!}: DISNEYLAND!!

We just got back from our entire family going {parents, siblings, nieces & nephews included} and had a blast! I'd never been there for their "Halloweentime," and it was so much fun to see the park decorated for the season!  If you've never been, I'd highly recommend going this time of year. Not only is the park festive, but the lines are much shorter and the weather is much more delightful.

As they say, pictures are worth a thousand words, so rather than ramble on, just enjoy the photos that ensue!

exterior of "it's a small world"

heading into the toy story 3 "midway mania" ride!

an interesting note: the first day they had NO snow on the roof!

the infamous "tea cups" ride - can't do this one anymore! i get too sick!!

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