Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fight For Preemies.

This date, November 17th, has been deemed a day to raise awareness of the crisis of premature babies.  Babies who are born to early...many of whom, die.  With nearly 1 in 8 babies born prematurely, chances are you know someone who has battled this issue.  I, for one, have a good friend who has endured this.  Thankfully, her story had a happy ending {her son was born 9 weeks early}, but not all of them do.

Here are some links for helping to deal with and raise awareness for this epidemic:
Information on Preemies - including:
*Who's at increased risk
*Why does it happen
* Treatment for Prevention
and more!

For moms who are pregnant {to help have healthy, full-term baby}
For families spending time in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU}
To create a band to honor or remember.

Have a product you'd like reviewed?
Contact me at

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for being part of the Fight for Preemies and helping spread awareness of the crisis.
