Wednesday, December 29, 2010

CASTING CALL {Children Models Needed!!}

I'm SO excited to let you all in on this FABULOUS upcoming event!!

{What's the word?!}
Adam's Blankie is going to be collaborating with a couple other local {Metro Phoenix} businesses this Spring {late Winter} for a photo shoot!  And the best news?  We need your little darlings to fashion our couture items for it!

{What is the photo shoot about?}
The selected applicants will model hair couture from Adam's Blankie and clothing from some local businesses. Pictures will be taken by Christina Hendrick Photography. Ooooooohhh, I can't wait!!!

{What's in it for me?}
Well, besides feeling like models for a day and potentially being featured on our websites, your child will score the following:
*One FREE professional digital file of your child
*One FREE hair couture item
*Coupons to Christina Hendrick Photography and Adam's Blankie
*Plus MORE to-be-announced perks from our clothing businesses!!

{Sounds fabulous! How do I enter?!}
Please email an UNprofessional snapshot of your cutie to Be sure to include his or her age along with his or her clothing size.  Please title your email with subject: CASTING CALL.  We are looking for newborns to about age 5 or so.  Our panel will screen all applicant entries, and finalists will be selected some time in February.  Please understand that not all applicants can be chosen.  {Thank you!}

Have a product you'd like reviewed?
Contact me at

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