Thursday, February 10, 2011

{Nova Nature} Review & GIVEAWAY!

Babies love to chew on things.  Anything.  Everything. And I often find myself wondering, "Wait.  I know she is really enjoying chewing on this thing.  But what if it has lead paint in it?"  when our little one digs her teeth into a plasticky toy.  It's the Mom in each of us.  It's natural for us to think this way...and worry this way.  I think it's part of every Mom's middle name: "Jane Worry-Wart-Mom Doe." Are you with me here???

Nova Nature has a great solution for us {at least regarding this one aspect of our many worries - ha!}!  Nova Nature carries ONLY eco-friendly, non-toxic, natural teethers and gifts ~ namely, rubber toys & teethers and 3D wooden puzzles.

We received 4 of their Natural Rubber Toys recently ~ the duck, frog, seahorse {so cute!} and dolphin.  And, first of all, I must say I love the packaging.  The toys come in simple, recyclable and perfectly cute little boxes.  The image of the toy is on the outside of the box, along with a description of the toy and its eco-friendly & safe {that is, BPA-free, PVC-free and phthalate-free} qualities.

Now, when you feel the toys, they feel different from other plastic toys you've felt.  Their texture is softer, more pliable and thinner.  Sounds perfect for chewing on, right?  At least, that's what I thought of...oh, and so did our 10-month old. :) Here's what I found out about why they are so different: Nova Nature's rubber toys are constructed from the milk or sap of the common rubber tree known as the Hevea brasiliensis, which is harvest withOUT the use of herbicides and is readily biodegradable.  Perfect!

They also squeak when you squish them, which is always a nice surprise for little ones!  Our 10 month old can actually easily get them to squeak {since they are so soft & pliable}, unlike many other squeakable but hard plastic toys we have.  Oh, and if your older kids get a hold of these and throw them at something {or someone...c'mon, we all know this happens!}, these are so soft, they won't hurt.  With our nearly 4-year old, we play "catch" with them - Bonus!

My favorite of the four we received is the seahorse just because he's so darn cute and different.  I mean, you'll find tons of rubber ducks and frogs around, but how often do you find a seahorse, you know?  Mr. Seahorse also has more texture to him, which I like.  Baby K also grabbed this one first.  She definitely prefers the seahorse and duck over the other 2 we got {I'm thinking she has a thing for yellow}.  So, when choosing one, it might be wise to go brighter...or perhaps just pick what color your little one likes best.  Ultimately, you can't go wrong with any of the choices, though, so don't sweat it!

BUY IT!  Visit Nova Nature today to purchase your own eco-friendly, safe toy for your wee one!  They've got oodles {yes, I made that up} of fun animals to choose from, not to mention great teethers and 3D wooden puzzles for the older kiddos.

WIN IT!  FOUR lucky winners are going to win one of Nova Nature's rubber toys!  See below for how you can enter for your chance to win either the duck, frog, seahorse or dolphin!

Mandatory Entry:
Visit Nova Nature and come back here to tell me which product you like best (1 entry)! YOU MUST BE A PUBLIC HTBC/ADAM'S BLANKIE BLOG FOLLOWER {VIA GOOGLE FRIEND} IN ORDER TO ENTER!!  SO IF YOU'RE NOT YET, SIGN UP AT THE RIGHT!! Be sure to leave your email address in the entry so that I have a way to contact the winner! If there is NO EMAIL left, another winner will be drawn. Winner will be chosen via and notified via email. Winner will have 48 hours to claim prize or another winner will be chosen. Entrants can enter through March 8th. Winner to be chosen on or around March 9th! {OPEN TO U.S. AND CANADA ONLY}.

Additional Entries!
Once you've completed the mandatory entry {above}, do any of the following for more chances to win! {Again, please be sure to leave your email address in each entry!}

*Subscribe to our blog (2 entries possible; 1 via google and 1 via email feedburner (must be activated to count as entry)).

*Become a fan of Adam's Blankie on Facebook AND change your own FB status so that it says there is a giveaway and links to this page! (3 entries)

*Post our blog buttons on your blog and include link to blog. (6 entries possible - 3 for Adam's Blankie Etsy shop button and 3 for Haute Tot Couture blog button).

*Blog about this giveaway and include the link to your post AND a picture of the prize!! (3 entries).

*Email up to 3 friends about this giveaway ~ be sure to copy me on the emails! (3 entries possible).

Please note, I was not paid to do this review.
Opinions are strictly my own, and no one or nothing else has influenced me in my review.

Have a product you'd like reviewed?
Contact me at


  1. I'm a google follower. I also like the Natural Rubber Octopus. I think it would be a big hit since it has so many "handles".
    kirbycolby at gmail dot com

  2. I subscribe via google reader.
    kirbycolby at gmail dot com

  3. I emailed 3 friends and CCd you.
    kirbycolby at gmail dot com

  4. I emailed 3 friends and CCd you. #2
    kirbycolby at gmail dot com

  5. I emailed 3 friends and CCd you. #3
    kirbycolby at gmail dot com

  6. I follow through google friend connect. I like the Crocodile 3D Puzzle
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  7. google follower for sure!! LOVE the wooden puzzles ( the whale?? too cute!) and just about EVERYthing-- THANK YOU!!

    ktwalser at yahoo dot com

  8. My favorite is the Natural Rubber Orange Fish. So Cute!!!
    I'm a google friend follower (Snowflake07)
    hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net

  9. I love their natural rubber frog teether!

    gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com

  10. I subscribe via Google (Green Mission Mama)

  11. I like the whale 3D puzzle.

    I follow on gfc

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  12. I am a current follower
    pamfreecycle at gmail dot com

    I like the natural rubber apple teether

  13. I follow via gfc
    pamfreecycle at gmail dot com

  14. I subscribe via email
    dphumphrey at sympatico dot a

  15. I live the natural rubber octopus and I follow with GFC

