Wednesday, March 2, 2011

{Project}: Ruffled Skirt

So one of the latest clothing projects I've been working on is a new skirt {and matching shirt} for Baby K.  I made it from my "juicy watermelon dots" fabric and added three rows of some hot pink ruffles on the back.  Then I just bought a regular ol' plain white tshirt and added a bib embellishment with some buttons  and a ruffle to match!

I actually originally had a ruffled bottom on the skirt....but it turned out too long for her to wear now.  So instead of ripping it out, I decided to hem it under.  The skirt is cute enough by itself without that extra ruffle...and when she gets a little older {and taller}, I'll just undo the hem, and then the ruffly part {the orange polka dot part, shown below} will show!

Here is Baby K modeling it for you...not the greatest pictures {I still have NO CLUE how people can get great pictures of little ones..they move toooooo much!!!}, but you get the idea of how it looks on. :)

I'm thinking of offering the skirt in my shop {without that ruffled bottom}...what do you think?  Is this something you'd like to see offered there?  If so, what fabrics do you like best for it {see below for choices}??  Also, if you're more of the crafty type yourself, would you be interested in a tutorial for this?

Have a product you'd like reviewed?
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  1. love the skirt and would totally love a tutorial!

  2. thanks, hailey! whenever i get more time, i plan to make another and take pictures of the process and post! :)

  3. I've made something similar, but I'd love to see your tute. People make things different and sometimes there way is easier ;)

  4. Hi Chrystyna! Thank you for posting! Yes, this is STILL on my "to do" (never-ending) list....and I totally agree - it's great comparing techniques. would love to hear about how you did it, as well! :)
