We have had quite a winter season with illnesses that bombarded our family like none other year. From allergies and stomach flues to chronic coughing and runny noses, to a relentless case of hives, I've never before actually LOOKED FORWARD TO the arrival of the Arizona summer heat! Ugh!
So, regarding the hives. My daughter came down with these, and they lasted a good two weeks. If you've experienced hives, you'll know that they come and go as they seemingly please, and just when you think they're gone, they reappear somewhere else a little later. BEYOND FRUSTRATING for a mother!
Of course, we took her to the doctor, where they advised me it was probably a viral infection versus an allergy due to her age (a toddler). They prescribed taking doses of benadryl to ease the itching and offer some relief to them. We did use the benadryl, but this did nothing to really prevent the hives from resurfacing. It did provide some relief from the itching, I'll admit, but nothing to really
resolve the {root of the} problem. So I did what most of you probably do: I went online and started researching natural ways to remedy
this pain in the rear the hives. From that, we tried oatmeal & tea tree oil baths. Beyond that, "natural remedies," as far as Google is concerned, were a matter of waiting it out. Using my own rational judgment, I also switched her laundry back to the baby detergent and got some organic diaper rash cream & lotion for her. Still, the hives occurred.
The most interesting symptom of the hives was that, in addition to them being all over her body, she also experienced a ridiculously red rash on her bottom. It wasn't a "normal" diaper rash -- it was somewhat of a cross between diaper rash and hives {sorry - no pictures -- she'd kill me if I ever posted pictures of her like that!}. Anyway, the rash appeared in the morning, after having slept in her diaper all night long. This quickly prompted me to look for a "greener" diaper alternative.
Thank GOD {literally!!} for the "Parenting" magazine showing up in my mailbox during the midst of this episode, because there it was, headlined in that particular issue,
"The Honest Company." And what do they do, you ask? Well, they specialize in "green," safe products -- everything from diapers to cleaning products {shampoo, hand soap, sunscreen, laundry detergent, etcetera}. It was started by the actress, Jessica Alba, after she had kids and wanted something more safe and natural for her own pipsqueaks.
I immediately ordered their sampler kit and was BEYOND THRILLED with the products I received! And guess what? The very next morning when my daughter woke up? NO diaper rash or red bottom what.so.ever! Ahhhh-mazing! Needless to say, I immediately signed up for their full monthly delivery plan -- diapers, wipes, healing balm and all!
ice cream diaper pattern my daughter loves! |
So this led me to start researching more about diapers. Mind you, I
have actually dabbled in cloth diapers, which my daughter used for her first 6 months of life, in fact. But as she began to crawl and move more, the bulky cloth diapers became cumbersome, and we made the switch to the leaner disposables. {If you can get through using cloth diapers, by all means, go for it! They just didn't work for us}. The fabulous thing about "The Honest Company" diapers is that they are natural {NO nasty chemicals!!} AND disposable!! Um, and super cute, too, might I add! {My daughter now asks for her "ice cream diapers" all the time!}.
So here's the deal on the typical cloth diapers in the industry {as taken from "The Honest Company" website}:
*First off, they are not required to reveal what's inside them {hmmmmm.....}
*There are tons of plastics and chemicals in them
*The plastics emit volatile organic compounds" {VOCS}
*Fragrances and lotions aplenty {made from who knows what? but many lotions do contain phthalates that are a big no-no}
*Synthetic dyes
*Their bleaching process releases dioxins into the environment
And guess what these dioxins do? Well, they're known as major cancer causer in us. Sounds great, eh? When you actually stop to think about it, it's beyond understanding that these other diaper companies could even
consider putting the chemicals they use into diapers. There needs to be a serious change in the industry!
On top of that, a study suggests there may be a link between these disposable diapers and asthma {hmmm...that would explain the ridiculous increase in asthma in kids}. Another study suggests a possible link between the dyes in diapers and diaper rashes. That would make sense.
So, all this to say, I URGE you to try to find a safer, better alternative to your baby's diapers!! As I said, if you can do the cloth diapers, I still think they're the
best option out there. But if those aren't for you {be it time, maintenance, etcetera, then as far as I can tell, the diapers from "The Honest Company" are a top-of-the-line choice for disposable diapers for your baby.
Here's what I KNOW about them::
*chemical FREE
*oil FREE
*plant based
*perfume FREE
*phthalate FREE
*lotion FREE
*optical brightener FREE
*heavy metal FREE
*organotin FREE
You MUST stop to wonder about the rash & hives disappearing when we switched to these natural diapers. The most important thing I can say here is that these diapers
made a DIFFERENCE for us. I'm not just
saying they are good and "green," we actually
saw the difference! And I can tell you, mother to mother, that I feel so, SO much better knowing she is in chemical-free diapers....a part of infancy and toddler-hood that touches their skin day in and day out for 2 to 3 to even 4 years.
Make the switch!!!
{important DISCLAIMER: I was in NO WAY, shape or form paid or given or advised to use
"The Honest Company" diapers/products. I found them on my own, and decided to try them without any others' prompting me. I HIGHLY recommend these! Give your baby a better choice and a healthier start!}
Have a product you'd like reviewed?
Contact me at adamsblankie@gmail.com