Earth Mama Angel Baby is a company that specializes in natural, herbal skin and body care products for both mama and baby. I especially love that they have mama covered from every aspect of expecting a baby - from pregnancy to labor to postpartum and even to the loss of a baby, Earth Mama Angel Baby (EMAB) has all the products you need to make each transition a bit more easy on you.
Additionally, their products contain only certified organic or organically grown herbs and oils and are toxin-free, cruelty-free, vegan and void of any artificial dyes, preservatives or fragrances. And even more impressive is that every single one of their products rates a "0" for toxins on the Skin Deep database. What's most impressive about this is that no other pregnancy and baby care company can make that claim! {Check the toxicity of your own products you use at home now by visiting here! You'll probably be really surprised with how toxic "safe" items are!}. Their packaging is also eco-friendly, recyclable or reusable - just one more aspect to love about Earth Mama Angel Baby.

The first item I tried was the "Natural Nipple Butter." It worked like a charm to immediately soothe right after a feeding. And what I really love about this stuff is that it is pretty much scent-free (unless you stick your nose in there, and even then, it has a faint hint of olive oil and mango butter, in my opinion), completely natural and glides on really smoothly. It isn't thick at all, so you can put a very small amount on, and just barely rub onto the nipple. This is a huge advantage over other nipple creams I've experienced that are much thicker and must be applied with more force, which is just not what you want to be using on sore nipples! And, of course, no need to rub the nipple butter off before feeding baby - very convenient.
Next up was the "Bosom Buddies." These are EMAB's organic breast compresses to help soothe sore, achy nipples. In my own words, it's essentially tea bags for your breasts. In fact, "Bosom Buddies" has organic herbs, cabbage leaves and black tea in its mix! The jar comes with 2 muslin bags, and you simply fill the bags with the herbal blend, steep in hot water for 5 minutes, and you're all set to go! I've tried just one round of it so far, and it really had a soothing, calming effect. I would suggest trying this out right after a feeding, as the warmth of them could signal your breasts to let down your milk, as happened with me.
Included in the EMAB Breastfeeding Support Kit also is the "Organic Milkmaid Tea," which is a caffeine-free tea for mama. The concept behind this tea blend is that if your milk production is down and needs a little best, this stuff is your ticket. It's made of 100% organic herbs and has a slight licorice taste (due to the fennel seed). While I haven't had any problems with low milk production yet, I did taste it, and I really enjoyed it. And I must confess that I'm NOT a fan of the taste of (black) licorice, so was a little hesitant before trying. I'm please to report, however, that I actually like the tea - it really is just a hint of the licorice flavor, so if you're like me and don't like that particular taste - have no worries. You'll be fine with this tea's flavor. And the added bonus with this tea is that not only will it help support healthy milk production, but it's packed with minerals and vitamins that are just good for mama in general.
And last, but certainly not least in the kit is Earth Mama Angel Baby's "Booby Tubes." Cute little name, eh? I have to say first that I really love the design of these breast packs! They are

In addition to the aforementioned products included in the Breastfeeding Support Kit, Earth

In conclusion, this kit is a great find and would make for a fantastic gift for any breastfeeding mama out there! {I know I'm so thanks I have mind on hand now!} But if there were just one product I could get from the entire Breast Kit, it would be the "Natural Nipple Butter." It comes ready to use and is really a step up from other nipple creams I've seen in that it doesn't contact lanolin and glides on sooo smoothly, not to mention its lack over overbearing scents. And if mama doesn't breastfeed, be sure to check out the other products from EMAB for pregnancy, labor ease, postpartum recovery & baby care.
BUY IT! To get your own Breastfeeding Support Kit ($49.95) or other products from Earth Mama Angel Baby, click here! You can also read more about EMAB and their philosophies & products on their blog.
Win it! One lucky Haute Tot and Baby Couture reader will receive a $25 electronic giftcard to Earth Mama Angel Baby to choose the product/s of their liking, courtesy of EMAB!
Mandatory Entry!
This giveaway is for HTBC blog followers only! (So if you're not one, become one today via Google Friend!) Visit Earth Mama Angel Baby and come back here to tell me what product you'd like to buy ALONG WITH one of their "101 Reasons to Breastfeed" (must include both answers to qualify for giveaway - 1 entry)! Be sure to leave your email address in the entry so that I have a way to contact the winner! If there is NO EMAIL left, another winner will be drawn. Winner will be chosen via random.org and notified via email. Winner will have 48 hours to claim prize or another winner will be chosen. Entrants can enter through May 25th. Winner to be chosen May 26th, 2010.
Additional Entries!
Once you've completed the mandatory entries, do any of the following for more chances to win! {Again, please be sure to leave your email address in each entry!}*Subscribe to our blog (2 entries possible; 1 via google & 1 via email feedburner (must be activated to count as entry)).
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*Become a fan of Adam's Blankie on Facebook (1 entry).
*Become a fan of Earth Mama Angel Baby on Facebook (1 entry).
*Follow Adam's Blankie on twitter AND tweet about this giveaway with the following tweet, (1 entry - can be done daily):
"Win Earth Mama Angel Baby products @adamsblankie! Enter at www.hautetotandbabycouture.blogspot.com!"
(Be sure to leave a link to your tweet/s!).
*Post our blog buttons on your blog and include link to blog. (6 entries possible - 3 for Adam's Blankie Etsy shop button and 3 for Haute Tot Couture blog button).
*Blog about this giveaway and include the link to your post (3 entries).
*Enter any of our other current giveaways for one entry each (up to 3 entries possible) and leave a comment letting me know which giveaway/s you entered.
Please note, I was not paid to do this review.
Opinions are strictly my own, and no one or nothing else has influenced me in my review.
Opinions are strictly my own, and no one or nothing else has influenced me in my review.
Contact me at adamsblankie@gmail.com

I'd like to buy all of the products you reviewed! I'd also like the Angel Baby Kit. One reason to breastfeed is: Breastfeeding enhances vaccine effectiveness
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I'd like to buy the Angel Baby Bottom Balm & one of the reasons to breastfeed is: "Breast milk contains immunities to diseases and aids in the development of baby's immune system."
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I would buy the Bottom Balm and one reason to breastfeed is that Formula Feeding is associated with lower I.Q (fascinating article)
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I would love to try the Angel Baby Shampoo & Body Wash. One reason to breast feed is that it enhances vaccine effectiveness! I follow!
I would love to have the Labor Ease kit for my delivery in July. One reason to breastfeed is that breast milk is more digestible than formula.
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I'm a follower, I'd pick up the Peaceful Mama Tea, and one of the many good reasons to breastfeed is that Not breastfeeding increases mother's risk of breast cancer! Crazy!
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I would like Angel Baby Bottom Balm.
One reason to breastfeed -Not breastfeeding increases mother's risk of breast cancer.
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One of the reasons given to breastfeed your child is that breastmilk is more digestable than formula.
I would love to try their Angel Baby Bottom Balm.
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I follow. The Natural Stretch Oil sounds wonderful! Breastfeeding is associated with slightly enhanced cognitive development.
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I'm following via GFC! I would love the No More Milk Tea for when I am ready to wean. Breastfeeding is associated with slightly enhanced cognitive development.
jewelsntreasures (at) yahoo (dot) com
I'm a follower. I'd love to try the Angel Baby Shampoo & Body Wash! Breastfeeding provides analgesia to infants and children. peanut[at]nyc.rr.com
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I like this beauty of blog,
Earth Mama Angel Baby Natural Nipple Butter
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