With May Day coming up tomorrow, I thought it would be fun to post a tutorial for a May Day basket craft you can do with your kids. Growing up in the Midwest, we celebrated May Day, and I loved it! Living in the Southwest now, I discovered a lot of people here have no idea what May Day or May Day baskets are! Its history and purpose have changed over the years, but the short of it all is that it is a welcoming of spring and its turning into summer pleasures! (I guess that would explain why the midwest loves it so much because they're so tired of the winter yuck, while those in the Southwest don't have much pleasurable to say about their hot summers!) In America, one way to celebrate this time is by making May Day baskets. They're usually made by children and filled with flowers. Then they tie them around someone's door, ring the doorbell and dash away before being caught! I don't know about you, but I'd love to receive one of these tomorrow (with real flowers of course!). Here is how you can make the paper craft version, or perhaps you could cheer your friend or neighbor with a darling May Day basket with real flowers! Happy May Day!