"* Using a digital camera, photograph your subject from the side. It's best to shoot against a white wall or a white posterboard to make it easier to digitally remove the background during the next step.
* Open the picture in Photoshop. Use the Magic Wand tool to select the background for removal. Once clicked, the background will be outlined and highlighted. Go to 'edit' and click 'cut.' The background will disappear.
* Now go to 'image' and click 'adjustments.' Select 'desaturate' to remove all color.
* In 'adjustments,' select 'brightness/contrast.' Lower the brightness and increase the contrast until your image takes the form of a silhouette.
* If the image isn't completely silhouetted, use the Paintbucket tool (with black as the color selection) to fill in as needed, placing the cursor dead center and clicking until your desired effect is achieved.
* Using the Image tool, select 'image size' to set your desired dimensions.
* Save your silhouette as a JPEG file.
* Burn the file to a CD and take it to your favorite photo-printing or copy shop (or simply use on online printing service like Shutterfly or Kodak Gallery), printing it on whatever paper or card stock you choose.
* If you want greater depth or thickness or a different background color, augment the printed image with paint.
* Trim the edges of the finished silhouette as needed and place it in the frame of your choosing. We used the black oval Ung Drill frame from IKEA that we then painted gold."
(instructions courtesy of http://morewaystowastetime.blogspot.com)
**Don't forget, only a few more days left for the GIVE-AWAY of the mod lattice bibbie and burpie set from Adam's Blankie! (see post below).
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