{paper snowflake doilies as part of Christmas package wrap} |
So, I have just been totally inspired by these little lovelies, as of late. I am currently working them into the adam's blankie hair accessory line {although, they're also currently available on our highly fashionable baby bibs now, if you just can't resist the doily, like myself!}, as well as all parts of our house. Seemingly. And much to my husband's dismay. Ha!
{paper doily snowflake in our diy shabby garland...tutorial to come later on the blog!} |
{paper snowflake doily implemented into pre-made store garland} |
Now comes the fun part: snipping! Just take a small pair of scissors and begin cutting tiny shapes along the folded edges of your wedge. You can snip off the tip, or choose to leave it there. Remember, every "snowflake" is unique, so make them all a bit different from each other!
{after all the cuts are in. you can vary them up, tho! rounded, heart half shape, etc.} |
Once all cuts are done, open it up, and you'll end up with something like this!
So now we just need to flatten it. To do so, you'll need to get some cotton fabric {if you don't have raw fabric yardage laying around like me {what's that you say? you don't? whaaaaat??? kidding!}, you can just grab a plain cotton tshirt instead} and put it over your snowflake. Iron on top of the fabric for a few seconds. Then flip over your snowflake, lay the fabric back on top and iron again.
Now you should have a flat snowflake.
Now comes the real creativity! You need to decide what you want to do with this little piece of fabulousness! I had a hard time deciding...so of course I made tons so I could use them many ways! Here are just a few ideas of what you can do with your doily snowflakes:
*Hang from the ceiling in clusters, creating your own snowy dream! {Would look fabulous over a front entryway buffet table/lowboy}
*Hang onto garlands {see images at top; tutorial for the diy shabby garland to come in next "shabby vintage christmas" installment!}
*Hang from your mantle
*Attach to your stockings
*Hang on the tree
*Sew together to form its own snowflake garland
*Use as tags for Christmas packages {see image above {NOTE: One was spray painted with the ahhh-mazing "Glitter Blast" spray paint from Krylon! You GOTTA get some of that stuff! It's fabulous!!}
*Use as stencils {idea for this & tutorial coming soon!}
Enjoy! And be creative! Let me know how YOU decide to use your snowflake doilies!
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